Saturday, January 3, 2009


For new years this year we all hung out at cory and taylors!!! SUPER FUN:)
My friend ashley that i've known since i was 5 came and hung out too:) we all had a blast

Before the new year hit we had to take some funny pictures! you gotta love it:)

My beautiful sister in law!! i love her to death! We hung out all freakin night never went to bed:) and everyone has to have a new years kiss:) i was very happy that trav was mine:) HE'S CUTE

Taylor and me goofing off:) and i got my new years kiss too:):):) I apologize for the PDA .....HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE:)


The Montys said...

Thanks for hanging out Kirby! And thanks for putting my ugly pics up!! You're a big sweetie!

Scott and Jetti said...

oh kirby! I love your long hair! lookin good lady!